segunda-feira, 26 de outubro de 2009

Baby steps...

Ok guys, let me give you more details about who I am, and what is the deal... as my friend Roger is used to say: "Baby steps..."

I'm 27, marriage with a beautiful lady and we have a child (due to security levels I can't tell you more).  I've been studying english for 4 years. I decided to post in english, for this is one more way to practice, and develop the abilities in this language. I've never been abroad, but I will (hope so....). Whenever I can, I get in touch with native american people and trust me: if you are not a native, you may learn something here. At least, have some fun.

So, What is the deal? I just wanna share with you interesting things about life, situations, feelings and reach the world while doing that... as I'm not an english teacher, please let me know if I make some mistake. But be sure, I'll do my best here!!!

See you later,


8 comentários:

  1. Ti, que chique!!! Postar em English, It's so cool. You are the best around the world and international remenber that? kkkkkk.
    Beijinhos de sua cunhada,

  2. kkkkkkkkkkkk... thank you Taty... It's very kind of you!!!

  3. Hey my friend!

    I just check this out and found it very nice! I am brief because I am in a hurry here at Columbia in Sao Paulo.

    Let's talk later by IM!

    Keep in touch

    Best Regards,

  4. Hey Kleber, thank you... it's really good see you around!

    Take care!

  5. hahahahaha.... you write like a baby really.
    don't worry, i'm just joking with you...

    Let's practice dude!!

  6. Hi Tiago!!
    Congratulations for your initiative!!
    It's very nice read your texts and also improve my english!! =)
    You've done a great work!!
    see ya!!

  7. Hey Karen, lately I'm felling important. Great friends like you, Manu and many others I haven't seen for so long decided to show up here, and give me a new motivation. Thank you Karen! Thank you all my friends...
