quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2009

Business trip

Hi, that's me again, you already know me, and this time I'm comming to you from Flamengo, in beautiful Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. I'm spending this week in a business trip, stayed in a four-star-hotel called Florida. That is good hotel, has a wonderful meal, and I recommend that to you (let me stop here, for they won't pay me for this advertisement, at all!). Natalie is a co-worker and came along with me. She's very kind and YES, my wife know that and you will not mess around calling her to gossip... I mean it!!!

Well, it's being a good time, I met two old friends that I haven't seen for so long (they lived in Vitoria, ES and moved to RJ). The first one is Vini Paracatu, that is, Shrek!!! That weird and awful green monster who lives in the swamp exists, and now it is living in this large city. He knows I'm kidding... I like him so much, he's a very mature guy, great friend and a very very good professional, that's why he came to RJ. The second one is Max. Max was a member of the same church I'm, and we used to play togehter - we played in the same musical band. He was the vocalist, while I pretended to be the drummer. Actually, I'm still the drummer or the noise maker, whatever! He's a very outgoing person, everybody usually likes him, has an amazing family, and just like Shrek, was invited to work in this city, for being a remarkable professional.

I appreciate these moments, and wish you guys success, much more that you already have!

Congratulations Vini. He's going to be daddy! I can tell you, there are no words to describe the moment you first touch your little one! You will see that...

My best regards,
Tiago Moreira.

sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2009

Describing the taste of food!

Hello everybody,

the following dialogue is very useful, when you want to say something about the taste of food. You may be caught in an embaressing situation like this. So, don't get on your nerves! You can handle that smoothly, just like Elaine did. Let's take a look:

Steve, my new boyfriend, decided to cook dinner for me. I was really excited, that is, until I tried his cooking.

Steve: What do you think of the soup?

I thought: This is so bland, and what are these little lumpy things in the soup? Of course I didn’t say that aloud.

Elaine: It’s delicious. It has a very interesting flavor.

When Steve served the main course, a baked chicken, he asked,

Steve: What do you think of the chicken? Is it too salty or spicy?

I thought: Yes! It’s too salty and it’s so spicy I can hardly eat it without breathing fire. The outside of the chicken is overcooked and the inside is raw! But out loud, I said,

Elaine: No, not at all! It has an interesting texture and I’m enjoying every bite.

I thought: Oh, no. Is there more? Steve went into the kitchen and brought dessert.

Steve: What do you think of this cake?

I thought: This cake should be sweet, but it has a strange sour taste. Could there be something seriously wrong with Steve’s taste buds? But aloud, I said,

Elaine: It’s yummy. It’s the best cake that anyone has ever made for me.

And it was true. I didn’t care how bad the meal was. It’s the thought that counts.


Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
If you don't know the meaning of a word or expression, please, post your comment and I'll be very pleased to help you.
See you later alligator!

sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2009

Keeping up to date...

Hey buddies,

my friends often ask me the ways I take to keep me up to date, with my English in good shape. Well, you know that you must exercise whether you want a nice body, with muscles and no fats. But, whenever you stop exercising, your muscles decrease and those horrible fats come back and bother you again. Depeding on your needs, you may want a personal trainner to watch you closer.

That's what I do with English. I'm always thinking in English, exercising my abilities because I don't want to be trapped in this situation. (although I should take these same cares with my body - I'm ashamed). So, what do I do?

- Watch movies in english (sometimes with subtitles in english and sometimes without them);
- Listen to musics;
- Read many articles on internet;
- And the hottest for me: I listen to podcasts, and you can find my favorite one in http://www.eslpod.com/. ("My two cents": This is the best!!!) Dr. Jeff McQuillan is a master of teaching and if you are at least in the intermediate level, I really recommend that to you.

So, it's time to exercise. Let's get to work!!!

See ya!

segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2009

Holiday!!! iuupiiii.... ops.... what a boring day!!!

Hi there,

today is a holiday in Brazil and I'm feeling bored. I got up late, my body pains, and my brain is lazy! Holidays should be exciting days, many things to do, go to the beach, meet your friends and family, eat, dance, drink, play some games, eat again, watch a movie, eat popcorn, drink soda, order a dessert, enjoy every bite in a hamburguer, sleep for a second (we can't wast time slepping too much in Holidays), eat one more time, and finally, when the day is gone, complain a lot due to the amount of food you have eaten over the day (be it junk food or not). That's is a typical holiday!!!

Hey, but what's happening to me? Why am I not doing those things? What's the problem today? It's easy...  how can we do it good, when the day is so dark? I look out of the window, through the frosted glass, and I can see just water, a gray sky, no kids screaming as usual. Only the sound of the rain dropping down... While the sun hides its beauty, the rain shows its strength and takes away the singular joy of a holiday. But ok, we'll not give up. Tonigth I'm having fun, I don't how yet, but I'll manager to do something different. If you are just like me, the day isn't finished. You still have time to enjoy yourself. Do it!

See you guys around!
Tiago Moreira.